Tag Archive for: Security

An important message to my IT contacts, thanks to Mike Hatfield, Nicom’s Chief Technology Officer, regarding a security vulnerability…

I received an email the other day saying I could get 68% off luxury watches. Then a few seconds later I received another email saying I could get 88% off luxury watches, and both emails pointed me to the same web site! So for fun I went to the web site and it told me I could get luxury watches for 85% off.

Imagine what your company would be like if fifty percent of your employees – or more – fell ill at the same time. Would you be able to continue operating?

What happens behind the scenes when you enter your credit card information online? Is it safe? For answers, I turned to the experts at Skipjack Financial Services, a Cincinnati-based company whose Canadian office is in Halifax.  I know them well because my employees at Nicom IT Solutions often use Skipjack when they create web sites that have an online payment option.