Tag Archive for: Business

Remember Clippy? That animated paper clip thing that zipped around trying to offer help with Microsoft Office? He was as annoying as is the Trivago commercial guy.

It still is all about networking. We have social media networking, but that’s only part of it. You still need to get out of the office once in a while and network with your peers. (I’m so old I used to network before it was actually called “networking”. When I first heard the term I decided it wasn’t for me because I was always too busy chatting with people.)

Our paperboy recently exemplified how important it is to communicate with your customer. After several missed deliveries, I had made up my mind to write to the paper and give them a piece of my mind. Receiving a paper after you’ve left for work is simply not acceptable, I reasoned. “A paper delayed is a paper denied,” I was going to be telling them. (Not bad, eh?)

Mike Hatfield and I were at it again this past weekend – the final day of our “thenextphase” workshop on raising capital. This time we covered “Execution” – defining your targets and how to achieve them.

Who is the “voice” of the Information and Communications Technology industry in Nova Scotia? Does it need a “voice” to begin with? And if so should it come from industry, government, or a combination of both?