I just finished an all-weekend workshop in Halifax on raising capital to fuel growth for companies. It was sponsored by ACOA and what an intense thing it was. At its core was a methodology and an online tool for defining at a very deep level what your company is all about, who its customers are, and what customer pain it solves.

“The cloud” is simply a term to describe computing services that you access online via a web browser, as opposed to having the same services from a server in your office. Many people are opting to go this route as opposed to buying equipment.

One of our employees is off to Meteghan River this weekend in the beautiful (full disclosure: I’m from there) Acadian district of Nova Scotia. He is doing an Exchange Server upgrade for a client who is moving from Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2013. Simple, n’est-ce pas? Copy files from A to B and Bob’s your N’Oncle.

When we think of mobile apps, applications that work on a smartphone or tablet, we think primarily of games or downloadable versions of social media programs. The few mobile business applications we see are generic programs for such things as tracking the stock market or sales force automation.