Christmas Daddies raised in excess of $700,000 this year in support of children throughout the Maritimes. We at Nicom are proud to have been part of this charitable cause for the past 11 years.

The article on Christmas Daddies as originally published failed to recognize the work of Genevieve Kelly on the web site, which was attributed solely to Matthew Carleton.

Our favourite charity at Nicom is Christmas Daddies, an organization that has been dedicated to helping children throughout the Maritime Provinces since 1964. No doubt most readers have seen the telethons at one time or another, proceeds of which are distributed by the Salvation Army to needy families.

Congratulations to Mike Hatfield and Ken Acker for bringing in some new business from the Maritime Exchange in Philadelphia.

I’ve said many times that I cannot believe tablet PCs have never really sold well. They are such great devices.