Some of you will remember Gilligan’s Island. Stranded on a remote island for three years, the Professor figured out how to communicate with an orbiting Apollo spacecraft, how to build a two-way radio out of coconut shells and seawater, and how to establish an irrigation system using bamboo poles. Yet he wasn’t able to patch a hole on the side of the boat that brought them there.

Nothing like a fresh coat of paint to make an office look nice and modern. Our old green was “so 2008, so 2000 and late”, as the song said.

We’ve just started re-building the website for a new client in the seaport business. So many websites out there need the same basic fixes, and that drives our goals for this project.

I think there has to be an acknowledgement that as the world changes, so must we. Some things, however, don’t change and sometimes those are the ones that matter.